Notes on the temperature dependence of carbon isotope fractionation by aerobic CH4-oxidising bacteria
Gérard C. Nihous
Conference Report
133 - 140
156 - 165
166 - 179
190 - 209
180 - 189
Nitrogen isotopes determination in natural gas: analytical method and first results on magmatic, hydrothermal and soil gas samples
Fausto Grassa, Giorgio Capasso, Ygor Oliveri, Aldo Sollami, Paula Carreira, M. Rosário Carvalho, José M. Marques & João C. Nunes
Assessment of recharge and flowpaths in a limestone thermomineral aquifer system using environmental isotope tracers (Central Portugal)
José M. Marques, Hans G.M. Eggenkamp, Henrique Graça, Paula M. Carreira, Maria José Matias, Bernhard Mayer & Dina Nunes
Spatial and temporal variability of stable isotopes and biological parameters for the Danube River in Serbia
Tatjana Mitrović, Vesna Obradović, Dušan Golobočanin, Nives Ogrinc & Nada Miljević
Hekla cold springs (Iceland): groundwater mixing with magmatic gases
Nils G. Holm, Sigurður R. Gislason, Erik Sturkell & Peter Torssander
Stable isotopic and geochemical variability within shallow groundwater beneath a hardwood hammock and surface water in an adjoining slough (Everglades National Park, Florida, USA)
Lee J. Florea & Dorien K. McGee
210 - 218
219 - 224
225 - 232
15N natural abundance of non-fixing woody species in the Brazilian dry forest (caatinga)
Ana Dolores Santiago de Freitas, Everardo Valadares de Sá Barretto Sampaio, Rômulo Simões Cezar Menezes & Holm Tiessen
Stable sulphur isotope ratios in the moss species Hylocomium splendens (Hedw.) B.S.G. and Pleurozium schreberi (Brid.) Mitt. from the Kielce area (south-central Poland)
Zdzisław M. Migaszewski, Sabina Dołȩgowska, Stanisław Hałas & Andrzej Trembaczowski
The kinetic and solvent deuterium isotope effects in the 4- and 5-positions of the indole ring on the enzymatic decomposition of L-tryptophan
Elzbieta Winnicka, Pawel Da¸browski, Tomasz Winek & Marianna Kanska
233 - 241
Mass dependence of calcium isotope fractionations in crown-ether resin chromatography