Isotopic and other studies on the molecular origins of substrate regulation of some pyruvate decarboxylases: a reconsideration
Richard L. Schowen
The proton inventory technique in a dual mechanistic system: the spontaneous hydrolysis of ethyl formate
Julio F. Mata-Segreda
1 - 16
17 - 21
A simple non-invasive method to detect and monitor hypercapnia: The sodium [13C]bicarbonate breath test
Anil S. Modak, Jennie M. Reid, Lori A. Williams & Gerald R. Hobbs
31 - 50
Residence times and age distributions of spring waters at the Semmering catchment area, Eastern Austria, as inferred from tritium, CFCs and stable isotopes
Liangfeng Han, Peter Hacker & Manfred Gröning
23 - 30
Independence of alpine meadow plants from soil organic matter for nitrogen supply: evidence from stable nitrogen isotopes
Xianfeng Yi & Yueqin Yang
Sulphur isotope compositions of components of coal and S-isotope fractionation during its combustion and flue gas desulphurization
Małorzata Derda, Andrzej Grzegorz Chmielewski & Janusz Licki
51 - 56
57 - 63
Determination of the soil-to-grass transfer of 137Cs and its relation to several soil properties at various locations in Serbia
Dragana Krstić, Nenad Stevanović, Jelena Milivojević & Dragoslav Nikezić
65 - 73
Original Articles
Comment on the paper ‘Sulphur isotopic composition of H2S and SO42- from mineral springs in the Polish Carpathians’
Paweł M. Leśniak
75 - 79
Book Review
Protection of the Environment from the Effects of Ionizing Radiation
81 - 82
Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies Volume 43 Issue 1 - April 2007 - Contents