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335 - 336

Gerhard Gebauer
Original Articles
Tracing the geographical origin of early potato tubers using stable hydrogen isotope ratios of methoxyl groups

Frank Keppler & John T.G. Hamilton
Soil carbon isotopic composition and soil carbon content in an agroecosystem during six years of Free Air Carbon dioxide Enrichment (FACE)

Anette Giesemann & Hans-Joachim Weigel
Thermal stability of soil organic matter pools and their turnover times calculated by δ13C under elevated CO2 and two levels of N fertilisation

Maxim Dorodnikov, Andreas Fangmeier, Anette Giesemann, Hans-Joachim Weigel, Karl Stahr & Yakov Kuzyakov
337 - 347
349 - 363
365 - 376
377 - 391
393 - 401
N2O concentration and isotope signature along profiles provide deeper insight into the fate of N2O in soils

Stefanie Daniela Goldberg, Klaus-Holger Knorr & Gerhard Gebauer
A methodological approach to improve estimates of nutrient gains by partially myco-heterotrophic plants

Katja Preiss & Gerhard Gebauer
Conference report: 2nd Joint European Stable Isotope User Meeting Giens

Peter Krumbiegel
Acknowledgement to our referees

Peter Krumbiegel & Gerhard Strauch
403 - 404
405 - 406
Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies Volume 44 Issue 4 - Dezember 2008 - Contents
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