Papers dedicated to Professor Dr. habil. Hans Faust:
436 - 437
Happy birthday, Hans Faust: 85! (Free access at T&F Website)

Peter Krumbiegel , Klaus Jung
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Special Selection Users Group
Special Selection: Contributions to the Joint European Stable Isotope Users Group Meeting (JESIUM), Leipzig, Germany, 2-7 September 2012
The metabolic effect of resistant starch and yoghurt on the renal and faecal nitrogen and ammonia excretion in humans as measured by lactose-[15N2]ureide

Klaus D. Wutzke, Debora Scholübbers
Estimate of production of gaseous nitrogen in the human body based on 15N analysis of breath N2 after administration of [15N2]urea

Peter Junghans
Nitrate turnover in a peat soil under drained and rewetted conditions: results from a [15N]nitrate-bromide double-tracer study

Rolf Russow, Nadine Tauchnitz, Oliver Spott, Sibylle Mothes, Sabine Bernsdorf, Ralph Meissner
438 - 453
471 - 472
473 - 491
454 - 463
464 - 470
Selected articles of the 3rd Joint European Stable Isotope User Meeting (JESIUM), Leipzig, Germany, 2-7 September 2012

Gerhard Strauch, Matthias Gehre
Isotope-labelled urea to test colon drug delivery devices in vivo: principles, calculations and interpretations

Marina J.M. Maurer, Reinout C.A. Schellekens, Klaus D. Wutzke & Frans Stellaard
A novel methodological approach for δ18O analysis of sugars using gas chromatography-pyrolysis-isotope ratio mass spectrometry

Michael Zech, Matthias Saurer, Mario Tuthorn, Katja Rinne, Roland A. Werner, Rolf Siegwolf, Bruno Glaser & Dieter Juchelka
Analysis of the coexisting pathways for NO and N2O formation in Chernozem using the 15N-tracer SimKIM-Advanced model

Claus Florian Stange, Oliver Spott, Rolf Russow
N2O emissions and source processes in snow-covered soils in the Swiss Alps

Joachim Mohn, Christine Steinlin, Lutz Merbold, Lukas Emmenegger, Frank Hagedorn
492 - 502
503 - 519
520 - 531
Further Papers
Stable carbon isotopes of glucose received from pine tree-rings as bioindicators of local industrial emission of CO2 in Niepołomice Forest (1950-2000)

Barbara Sensuła, Anna Pazdur
Stable isotopes in river waters in the Tajik Pamirs: regional and temporal characteristics

Christiane Meier, Malte Knoche, Ralf Merz, Stephan M. Weise
Development of non-lethal sampling of carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios in salmonids: effects of lipid and inorganic components of fins

Conor T. Graham, Simon S.C. Harrison, Chris Harrod
Measurements of radon concentration levels in thermal waters in the region of Konya, Turkey

Mehmet Erdogan, Fatih Ozdemir, Nuretdin Eren
Obituary for Dr Peter Werle

Francesco D'Amato, Alan Fried, Erik Kerstel
532 - 541
542 - 554
555 - 566
567 - 574
575 - 578
Editorial Board
Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies Volume 49 Issue 4 - Dezember 2013 - Contents
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